How much will each appointment cost?

Please call me to discuss fees.
If you have ancillary cover for psychological services with your private health insurance, you may be able to claim a rebate.
You may also be eligible for a rebate of $84.80 from Medicare. Bulk billing is available in special circumstances, providing that you have a current Mental Health Plan from your GP.

How can I pay for my fees?

You can pay for your fees either electronically or in cash on the day of the appointment.  If you are eligible for a Medicare rebate we can claim on the spot.  

Do I need a referral?

To be eligible to a rebate from Medicare, you require a Mental Health Care Plan from your doctor.  This will entitle you to an initial 6 sessions and, if after these sessions you require additional sessions you will need a review by your doctor, which could make you eligible for a further 4 sessions per calendar year.  In total you could be eligible for up to 10 sessions per calendar year through Medicare. 

If your appointments is to be paid by a third party (e.g. TAC, WorkCover, Victims of Crime, etc) you will need to bring a copy of your referral letter from your GP along with approval from your third party provider

What do I need to do before the appointment?

Please bring your Mental a Health Care Plan (referral) and your Medicare Card.  If you are coming via a third party (e.g. TAC, WorkCover, Victims of Crime, etc), bring you referral from your GP and approval from the third party provider.  It is your responsibility to bring a current referral, and third party provider claim number to the appointment; failure to do so will result in your being be personally responsible for payment on the day.

What happens if I cancel an appointment or fail to attend?

SMS reminders are automatically sent out 1 day (24 hours) before your appointment.  Please make sure to provide correct contact details if you wish to receive appointment reminders.  

If you need to cancel or change an appointment, 24hrs notice is required. If you give less than 24hrs notice, or fail to attend your appointment, you will be charged for the cost of the consultation.  Medicare and other agencies do not cover cancellation fees and payment is your responsibility.

If you are unable to attend a phone call is also appreciated as there is often the need to fit in clients requiring urgent assistance. 

 What should I expect at the appointment?

During your first appointment, you will complete a “Client Information Sheet’, and sign a “Consent Form’.  Your current situation, thoughts and feelings and how you ended up where you are today will be discussed. You may be asked to complete one or more questionnaires to assess your situation more specifically and to provide information on which your progress can be gauged over the course of therapy. 

Will the material we discuss remain confidential?

 Psychologists will not disclose information about you unless: 

1. you specifically authorize (normally in writing) the release of that information; 

2. the release of that information is to protect you or others from harm; or  

3. the release of that information is required by law.

 Are counselling sessions confidential?

Yes – just like other professional healthcare services, anything you discuss with your therapist will remain 100% confidential. Whatever information, feelings or opinions you share during your sessions will be used only for the purposes of assessment and diagnosis, and providing you with the support you need.

 Please note that, according to the Psychology Board of Australia’s Code of Ethics, there are some limitations to this confidentiality rule – for example, if there is an immediate or specific risk of serious harm to a particular person’s safety, or if a client’s file is subpoenaed by a court.

How many sessions do I need?

The number of sessions, and how often you attend, will depend on your individual needs and goals.